My Son had asked me to try out Muffins for a weekend.
It had been awhile that I had used my newly bought Oven.[now few months old]
This Recipe was given by a friend. Thanks to her and I share my Banana Muffins with you all.
1. Banana 2 - Fully Ripe
2. Plain Flour - 1 cup
3. Baking Soda - 1/2 tsp
4. Baking Powder - 3/4 tsp
5. Sugar Powder - 6 Tblsp
6. Honey - 2 table spoons
7. Cinnamon Powder - 1/2 tsp
8. Butter - 3 to 4 tablespoons
9. Pinch of Salt
10. Vanilla Extract - few drops
1. In a vessel take Butter, Honey, Vanilla extract and Melt it and keep it aside
2. In another bowl, mash Bananas and add Melted Butter Mixture.
3. Sift the Flour, Baking Powder, Baking Soda, Cinnamon Powder, Sugar Powder together and keep it aside.
4. Mix this Flour with the Mashed Bananas and the Butter mixture and gently mix all these with wooden spatula.
5. Preheat the Oven 180° C.6. Put the paper cups in the Muffin Pan and fill them about 2/3rds and Bake at 180° C for about 25 mins or till done. ~ * ~ Tempting Banana Muffins are Ready ~ * ~
Note:1. Sprinkle some Almond or Walnut bits to make this more interesting.
Hi MT -- the banana muffins look so delicious! And I happen to have some very ripe bananas I need to use up. Perfect timing. Thanks for sharing :)
Just the other day, my son asked me to make him muffins and here I see delicious looking banana muffins.
Hi MT,
Muffin looks so fluffy and perfect colour.I use to prepare with mix and add walnut....let me try at home this time...
Great breakfast for kids in the morning,my kids had some today!!:))
Looks well rised and yummy MT!
Hi there,
These muffins are really tempting.I had prepared banana cake similar way but never tried with muffins.Cute little muffins here.
Looks perfect..thanks for sharing
beautiful muffins... i have just started baking and will bookmark ur recipe.
oh wow those look so good....why didn't mine rise up so high??
indian recipes
Perfect muffins...Ohhh! All are making these for their kids..I have 2 ,definetily make this for my kids.
Could smell the banana from here MT :) looks great.Viji
Real tempting :)
Muffins look scrumptious!
Not related to this post: Your post on kadappa with idayappam was great! Never thought of serving idlis with potato kurma, it's a very good idea.
Hey MT,
I have been following ur site for quite a while now n I have never bothered to leave a comment.Ur site is absolutely fabulous.Great Job!!!Since I celebrate a lot of festivals I really look up to ur site as u have all the important religious sweetmeats.
I just thought with all the blog plagiarism happening I just wanted to bring to ur notice that when I was searching for karadayan nonbu adai recipe I came across a lot of recipes including urs but in one particular forum I just became a member to veiw the recipe and to my horror both the sweet and the salt version of the recipe has been copied from ur blog.The pictures r also there.The url is need to just become a member(registration is free)and go and search for karadayan nonbu adai in the search box n u would find ur recipes.I hope u r not aware of this,if u have posted ur own recipe in the forum then kindly ignore my message.
Great job once again.Wondering ur menu for tomm :)
Good looking Muffins MT. I liked it as it didn't have any eggs in it.will try out soon and let u know
Hi Linda,
Please do let me know the outcome of it. Thanks.
Hi Sailu,
Hi Usha,
Try this version when time permits. Thanks.
Hi Asha,
Thanks a lot.
Hi Sowmya,
I Liked your version of Banana cake. I am going to try it next time. Thanks.
Hi maheshwari,
Thanks a lot. keep visiting.
Hi Sia,
Please do let me know the result when you make this. Thanks.
Hi KF,
Thanks for visiting. Keep visiting.
Hi Viji,
Thank u so much.
Hi Sandeepa,
Hi KA,
Thanks, please try idlis with kurma, really nice combination.
Hi prema,
I think you will like it. Thanks.
Hi AR,
Thanks for your comment and I am glad that you like my post. Thanks for telling me about the lifting of my post.I was not aware, I will write to geetham about this. Keep visiting and find time drop a comment.
Hey MT,you are getting better and better.Thise muffins look great!
yumm looking muffins..and that too without egg !
I would like to try this recise for my daughter, esp as it is eggless.
I have one basic query - are the muffins made with green bananas or the small yellow ones. And does this make a difference?
If green bananas were used, how many yellow ones can i use for this?
Hi preeti,
U can use any type of bananas. It should be fully ripe, if u r using small yellow variety add extra 11/2 bananas. Thanks
Hey MT, I just tried this out now. But 1. It did not rise up like the ones bought from shops.
2. It took over an hr to bake 6 muffins
What do you think the problem might be?
If you use old baking powder and soda there will be a Problem.
ayyo, illa. Just bought them. I used all purpose flour. Is that ok?
All purpose flour is ok. When you try next time please add 1/4 tsp more of baking powder. Thanks.
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