Sunday, September 17, 2006

Kai Murukku
[] Murukku Making is an Art, thats what the elders say !
[] In some Weddings they distribute Kai murukku in the size of a plate or even bigger.

Here I have tried to make Murukku and for once it came quite nice.

Murukku Drying in paper

Ingredients Needed:
1. Boiled Rice - 1 cup (soak in water for 2 hours)
2. Red Chilli dried 2
3. Hing
4. Butter = 1-1/2 tsp
5. Chutney Dal Powder 3 tsp
6. Salt - to taste
7. Water - if needed
8. Coconut Oil - 2 tsp for applying in hands
9. Oil for deep frying.

Murukku Frying in oil

1. Grind Rice with Chilli into fine paste and keep in cloth to take out extra moisture.
2. Add Dal powder, Butter, Salt, Hing and mix well. (Sprinkle water if needed)
3. In a cloth or kitchen towel take small amount of dough and sprial it in circular motion (like turning a tap or a screw). Make minimum 2 rounds. As you know, more will make it bigger. Follow the same procedure for remaining.
4. Let it dry for about 30 minutes and deep fry in hot oil till done.
5. Cool and store in air tight container.

0=> Stays good for 15 days to a month.
0=> Surprise all at home



Krithika said...

murukku looks fabulous ! looks perfect. have a question to ask.. what is chutney dal ?

Anonymous said...

MT, will try this for diwali, by the way is the rice grinded to a smooth paste with water can we grind them in wet grinder? and krithika, I think the chutney dal is the fried gram , am i correct MT?

Anonymous said...

OMG, those murukkus are so good. I tried them this gokulashtami and it came out ok. I need lot of practice. Yes, making it is a fine art.

Anonymous said...

Murukkus look so lovely. I will try these next time..thanks MT.

Menu Today said...

Hi Kirthika,
Thank u so much. Chutney dal-Pottukadalai.
Hi SudhaV,
Yes, you can grind it in wet grinder adding water.You r correct chutney dal means fried gram dal. Thanks.
Hi Usha,
Very nice that you tried murukku for gokulashtami. I am waiting for your post. Thanks
Hi Shilpa,
Thanks a lot for your kind words.

Prema Sundar said...

Hi MT,
Murukkus look great.. My husband loves murukku very much . My Mil makes very good murukkus by grinding rice. As I dont have a grinder here I dont make it. can we try this with the rice flour which we get in Indian stores?
I have heard that making kaimurukku is tough and u need lots of practice..U have got it so well.Thanks for the recipe.

Anonymous said...

Wow! MT sure Murukku making is an art(specially Kai murukku) & you seems to be an expert in it. I see the perfect ones here jus' like the wedding. Amazing...

Shammi said...

OMG, your murukku looks brilliant! Such nicely done twists.

Anonymous said...

The Kai murukku looks great MT, and the swrils have come out perfect!!
Like Prema asked can I try it out with rice flour, I dont think my blender can handle the raw rice and give me the desired consistency

KA said...

Murukulu look great MT, muruku making is indeed a great art(a fast disappearing one too..)

Menu Today said...

Hi priya and prema,
Thank u so much. yes, you can prepare with ready made rice flour.
Whenever I grind for Idli, i reserve some rice batter for practice.
Hi Jayashree, Shammi and KA,
Thanks a lot for your appreciation.

Deepz said...

Hi, Your muruku's look perfect. Ive heard thay kaimuruku's r always difficult to make and needs a lot of practice and patience. You seem to hav mastered the act.

Vaishali said...

Murukku look wonderful, MT. In fact, they look like dainty bangles. :)

Lakshmi said...

should try someda. looks great and yumm.

Shah cooks said...

did u actually make it by hand? can u give a little more detailed describtion? call me ignorant but i couldn't follow what to do after the wet towel part.thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Hi MT -- oh, these look beautiful *and* delicious! Lovely photos, too :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome murukkus......menutoday, I am really glad i did find someone blog this variety of murukku.....Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I always wanted to try kai murukku. Thanks for the recipe. When you say keep in cloth, do you mean spread it on a cloth and let the extra moisture drain or squeeze out the extra moisture? BTW, i cant see the pictures, is it a problem with my connection? Thanks for the recipe!

sra said...

Hi, have linked to your blog, started one of my own!

FH said...

YAY!!! you are back!! I would come here, go back dissapointed!! Murukkus look great!! My kind of dish!! Droooool!!! Thanks!:)))

Menu Today said...

Hi Deepz,Vaishali and Lakshmi,
Thank u so much.

Hi Shaheen,
Putting the grinded paste in towel, absorb excess water. Take small amount in your hand and try to make sprial.Like screwing.Yes, I made murukkus using my hand.That day nobody was there to take pic.I will try to post it soon. Thanks.
Hi Linda and Lera,Asha and Sra,
Thanks a lot.
Hi Hema,
Just spread mixture in cloth. It will absorb extra moisture, then make murukku and enjoy!!!!Please do let me know . Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi MT,

Great site and good job.

I have a doubt i can also grind the rice in a mixie right will the murukku come out properly.



Deepa Culinary World said...

Murukku looks great.I will definetly try this for diwali.

Shah cooks said...

hi and thanks for taking time out to explain that step once more.i appreciate it and will let u know soon.

Kay said...

you made it yourself? wow! I'm impressed!

Menu Today said...

Hi Kay,
I made it myself. Whenever I grind for idli, i take out little rice paste and try to make murukku. Still practice needed.

Anonymous said...

This time I will try your version MT. For one reason that it uses very less butter and I have a question. Boiled rice you mean par-boiled rice? Will let you know after trying it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this recipe. My friend's mom used to make this for her and she used to bring it with her to college. I always wanted to learn how to make them. Could you please post pictures of how you shape the murukku?

Anonymous said...

Dearest MT,

I don't know in what words i can thank you for this excellent recipe. I have made kai murukku once in my life with the help of a friend's mom. She used the raw rice method. This one i find is very easy and flexible to make the murukku. I can't believe i made almost perfect 3 suthu. And the flavour is also excellent. You have made this deepavali very special for us. Wish you and your family a very very happy deepavali:)